16 December 2020

Another triumph of Inuru!

Inuru Company, in which ARIA Fund is the investor, is completing the year with new achievements. Coca-Cola got recognized six times in the Marketing Excellence Awards 2020 for the “galactic bottles”, developed by Inuru.

The jury, consisting of global class marketing and communication experts, selected winners in 41 categories. Coca-Cola company received six Golden Awards, and the director for marketing communication of Coca-Cola in Singapore, Lim Kean Yew, became the “Marketing Innovator of the Year”. Behind these successes are the innovative bottles, designed and produced by Inuru.

Lighted labels using ultra-thin OLED screen technology, appeared in year 2019 as a result of cooperation with Disney brand (related to the campaign promoting the last sequel in the “Star Wars” saga). More than 8000 bottles were sent to 45 “secret” locations in Singapore to surprise the “Star Wars” lovers with lightsabers of Jedi knights. To enjoy this unusual effect, fans waited in lines for 24 hours to purchase this unique product.
