27 October 2018

SYSTEM 3E campaign has been launched!
If it was not for the Polish ingeniousness, we would have been living in a different world! Kerosene lamp, lip gloss, mine detector, Melex… These inventions, used worldwide, have been developed by the Poles. From now on, this extensive list is once again expanded with the 3E perlite blocks.
SYSTEM 3E is a Polish technology with worldwide patents. It is based on our own project – 3E blocks made of natural perlite. 3E blocks are a combination of natural recipe, precise shape and simple application. They can be quickly joined, making it possible to erect the walls of a building during 1 working day. This enables time and money savings without the negative impact on the natural environment.
Watch the promotional film of the SYSTEM 3E and of other Polish inventions that changed the world!