Forbes: SYSTEM 3E – Lego brick-like houses
A new technology has been developed in Radomsko that allows to build houses using elements connected without mortar. Houses built using this special technology don’t even need additional thermal insulation. Technology can change the construction industry. A PLN 200 million holding fund believed in it – this is how the most recent edition of the „Forbes” magazine describes the construction technology SYSTEM 3E developed by ARIA.
„Forbes” dedicated an extensive article to SYSTEM 3E, describing both the details of the technology and its market potential: „No mortar, sealing, or thermal insulation is needed. Walls are set up quickly and easily, it can even take no more than one day, saving man-hours, which usually rank highest in a building’s cost estimate. Components are made of a volcanic rock called perlite, which has excellent thermal insulation properties. Moreover, this natural building material prevents the development of moulds and fungi, so that it is safe for those who suffer from allergy and asthma. The magazine quotes Dariusz Lewandowski, President of SYSTEM 3E and ARIA: „We have the world-unique jointless construction technology that that you can use at any time of year and in any climate zone. It is an example of an effective transfer of knowledge to the economy, contradicting the opinion that it is impossible in Poland. The article also features a statement by Piotr Budnik, Vice-President of SYSTEM 3E, who referred to the turbulent history of technology developed by ARIA: „We bought it two and a half years ago, saving it from a market failure.” Today, SYSTEM 3E is a modern (eco-friendly, energy-saving and economical) product, a fully automated factory with its own production line and a precise business strategy, developed in cooperation with Deloitte. „We are planning to open yet another factory. We will strive to do it with the participation of a new investor. It could be an industry one or private equity, or venture capital fund,” Dariusz Lewandowski explained in Forbes. Meanwhile, the first housing complex is already being built now using the SYSTEM 3E technology: „It will consist of 20 houses with four rooms upstairs, a kitchen and a living room downstairs, and a garage. A total of 163 square meters for a four- or five-person family. The Leśna Awangarda housing complex is being built in Lipków in Mazowieckie Voivodeship, far from Warsaw’s hustle and bustle and smog, at the outskirts of the Kampinos Forest”, quoting „Forbes”.