18 February 2021

A new survey creation wizard for mobile applications from Survicate

Survicate is not losing pace, introducing new functionalities for their users. This time, they have updated the survey development tool for mobile applications – both for the iOS and the Android system. What are the possibilities offered by the new wizard?

First of all, questionnaires are developed in a simpler, faster way! The interface has been redesigned to make sure the user is focused and the entire creation process is conducted smoothly. Customers can design, integrate and launch surveys in a more effective manner, exercising more control of their final appearance in the application.

What makes the new wizard even better?

  • It now takes 40 times less time to create and edit the questionnaire!
  • It is possible to customize the color of all questionnaire components.
  • At present, 50% less clicks are needed to combine a question with integration.
  • The interface provides 125% more space for the survey preview.
  • 50% less clicks are needed to create the survey theme.
  • It is now possible to preview a question before it is added.

Survicate allows for integration of mobile surveys with 12 cooperation tools, marketing automation and CRM. As a result, users are able to send answers from the questionnaire to other programs they use, and take advantage of the information gathered to make their activity more effective and to adjust to customer needs.

More information on the new wizard can be found by clicking on the link.
